ISMAR 2018
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Jakob Zillner, Erick Mendez, and Daniel Wagner. Augmented reality remote collaboration with dense reconstruction. In Adjunct Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium for Mixed and Augmented Reality 2018 (To appear). 2018.


This paper describes an Augmented Reality remote collaboration system leveraging high-fidelity; dense scene reconstruction for intuitive and precise remote guidance. A local worker in need of help can use our system to automatically generate a 3D mesh of the scene that is streamed to a remote expert. Thanks to the reconstruction the remote expert can navigate and explore the scene independently of the local worker in full six degrees of freedom. World-stabilized text- and image-annotations can be placed in the scene and strokes drawn on surfaces are placed intelligently in the world. In addition; the reconstruction allows the remote expert to segment objects from the scene and create simple animations with these 3D models to convey precise instructions.