ISMAR 2018
IEEEIEEE computer societyIEEE vgtcACM In-CooperationACM In-Cooperation


Platinum Apple
Silver MozillaIntelDaqriPTCAmazon
Bronze FacebookQualcommUmajinDisney ResearchUniSA VenturesReflektOccipital
SME EnvisageARKhronos
Academic TUMETHZ

Carmine Elvezio, Pierre Amelot, Robert Boyle, Catherine Ilona Wes, and Steven Feiner. Hybrid uis for music exploration in ar and vr. In Adjunct Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium for Mixed and Augmented Reality 2018 (To appear). 2018.


We present hybrid user interfaces that facilitate interaction with music content in 3D, using a combination of 2D and 3D input and display devices. Participants will explore an online music library, some wearing AR or VR head-worn displays used alone or in conjunction with touch screens, and others using only touch screens. They will select genres, artists, albums, and songs, interacting through a combination of 3D hand-tracking and 2D multi-touch technologies.