ISMAR 2018
IEEEIEEE computer societyIEEE vgtcACM In-CooperationACM In-Cooperation


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Academic TUMETHZ

Salma Jiddi, Philippe Robert, Anthony Laurent, Fradet Matthieu, Pierrick Jouet, Caroline Baillard, and Eric Marchand. Probeless and realistic mixed reality application in presence of dynamic light sources. In Adjunct Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium for Mixed and Augmented Reality 2018 (To appear). 2018.


In this work, we consider the challenge of achieving a coherent blending between real and virtual worlds in the context of a Mixed Reality (MR) scenario. Specifically, we have designed and implemented an interactive demonstrator that shows a realistic MR application without using any light probe. The proposed system takes as input the RGB stream of the real scene, and uses these data to recover both the position and intensity of light sources. The lighting can be static and/or dynamic and the geometry of the scene can be partially altered. Our system is robust in presence of specular effects and handles both uniform and/or textured surfaces.